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We all have masculine and feminine energies, dual natures within us, and many of us have chosen to work on finding a better balance of these within ourselves in this lifetime. Masculine energy dominates the wider world, especially through business and politics, and there is a call for the return of the divine feminine, which is increasing, but we must not neglect nor eradicate the masculine, there are positive traits within the divine masculine that we need to balance the divine feminine.

This section includes crystals that can help with our masculine/feminine, yin/yang energies.

S1586B Copper Nugget

Copper gets its name from the island Cyprus, due to its association with Venus. Venus was born on the island and copper was sacred to her.Copper is ve...
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S1625 Copper Nugget

Copper gets its name from the island Cyprus, due to its association with Venus. Venus was born on the island and copper was sacred to her.Copper is ve...
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S1712 Copper Nugget

Copper gets its name from the island Cyprus, due to its association with Venus. Venus was born on the island and copper was sacred to her.Copper is ve...
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