Quantum Quattro
Quantum Quattro is a master crystal and a master healer which brings the body gently back into balance, and is particularly beneficial for the immune system and related problems. The number of health issues it is reported to help with are actually too long to list! It is also transforming, protective and grounding. It absorbs negative energies and pollutants, helps to heal grief and heartache and can prevent a healing crisis occurring.
The combination of minerals helps with control and power issues, can help release old patterns, to cut ties and break co-dependency, especially relating to addictions obsessive (toxic) relationships. It can show us that we cannot ‘do it’ for another person, and generally promotes taking responsibility. It helps us tap into our inner resources, especially when we are unsure what to do, and teaches us how to leave behind anything that no longer serves.
Its grounding properties are particularly useful when in an area of disturbed earth energy, where it can protect our Earth Star Chakra, which is key to holding us grounded and connecting to Gaia.