C2495 Rainbow Sunstone Drilled Cabochon
C2495 Rainbow Sunstone Drilled Cabochon
Sunstone brings the warming, energising and enlightening energies of the Sun. Great for the winter, when we feel down, sad or lacking energy, they ooz...
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S1448 Sunstone tumbles various from £4
S1448 Sunstone tumbles various from £4
Two sizes of Sunstone tumbles, to bring the energy of the Sun at any time of year!These will cheer you up and energise you.Sizes 15-20gms20gms +
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S1513 Natural Sunstone two sizes
S1513 Natural Sunstone two sizes
Bring the natural energy of the Sun into your life, to cheer you up and energise you.These are in its natural/raw form, tumblestones also available in...
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S2271 Grid Bundle SPECIAL PRICE!
S2271 Grid Bundle SPECIAL PRICE!
Perfect for grids, for gifting or just an interesting and money-saving way to buy a combination of crystals, maybe some that you haven’t explored befo...
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