Brandberg / Brandenberg Quartz
Brandberg is also known as Brandenberg Quartz
- Finding our Soul purpose
- Attuning to our Soul path
- Connects us to the highest spiritual guidance
- Helps Soul retrieval
- Helps to clear past life trauma
Brandberg, or Brandenberg crystals, are the ultimate high vibration crystal that can attune us to our Soul path, show us why we chose this incarnation, our Soul intentions. It can help to clear trauma from past lives and connects us to the highest spiritual guidance. When undergoing deep Soul retrieval or shadow work, its high vibration shines a strong spiritual light for us.
S2831 Smoky Brandberg or Brandenberg
S2831 Smoky Brandberg or Brandenberg
Finding our Soul purposeAttuning to our Soul pathConnects us to the highest spiritual guidanceHelps Soul retrievalHelps to clear past life traumaAttun...
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S2832 Smoky Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg
S2832 Smoky Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg
Finding our Soul purposeAttuning to our Soul pathConnects us to the highest spiritual guidanceHelps Soul retrievalHelps to clear past life traumaAttun...
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S2833 Smoky Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg
S2833 Smoky Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg
Finding our Soul purposeAttuning to our Soul pathConnects us to the highest spiritual guidanceHelps Soul retrievalHelps to clear past life traumaAttun...
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S2835 Smoky Brandberg or Brandenberg Sceptre
S2835 Smoky Brandberg or Brandenberg Sceptre
Finding our Soul purposeAttuning to our Soul pathConnects us to the highest spiritual guidanceHelps Soul retrievalHelps to clear past life traumaAttun...
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S2982 Brandberg or Brandenberg
S2982 Brandberg or Brandenberg
A lovely clear Brandberg with the slightest hint of Amethyst it is a great example of this powerful, transformative crystal and would also pair well w...
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S2984 Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg
S2984 Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg
This is a lovely, mainly clear Brandberg with a subtle hint of Amethyst. Inclusions and veils add to its vibrant energies.Finding our Soul purposeAttu...
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S2985 Brandberg or Brandenberg from 8-8-8 Grid
S2985 Brandberg or Brandenberg from 8-8-8 Grid
This is one of the four Brandbergs aka Brandenbergs that were placed in my epic 8-8-8 grid which contained 33 Lemurians, lots of Golden Healers, Unico...
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S2986 Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg from 8-8-8 grid
S2986 Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg from 8-8-8 grid
This Brandberg was part of my epic 8-8-8 grid which contained 33 Lemurians! you can read about it HEREIt was in the top loop of the '8' of the lemnisc...
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S2989 Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg from 8-8-8 grid
S2989 Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg from 8-8-8 grid
This is one of the four Brandbergs aka Brandenbergs that were placed in my epic 8-8-8 grid which contained 33 Lemurains, lots of Golden Healers, Unico...
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S2990 Dark Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg from 8-8-8 Grid
S2990 Dark Amethyst Brandberg or Brandenberg from 8-8-8 Grid
This Brandberg was at the top of the bottom loop of the '8', on the left, of the epic 8-8-8 grid that contained 33 Lemurians! It is deep Amethyst over...
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S2994 Smoky Brandberg or Brandenberg with Mini Cluster
S2994 Smoky Brandberg or Brandenberg with Mini Cluster
Finding our Soul purposeAttuning to our Soul pathConnects us to the highest spiritual guidanceHelps Soul retrievalHelps to clear past life traumaAttun...
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S2995 Brandberg or Brandenberg on Matrix
S2995 Brandberg or Brandenberg on Matrix
A very unusual small, Rhomboid, possibly DT Brandberg, very clear, which tapers into a base which makes it look like a standing stone. Whilst natural ...
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