S2156 Balancing Pair of Gaia's Blood and Milky Way Flints
S2156 Balancing Pair of Gaia's Blood and Milky Way Flints
A perfect balancing pair of these two Flints, representing the masculine and feminine, so perfect for balancing and integrating these energies. The Gaia's Blood helps to heal old energies of feminine disempowerment, abuse etc, and once the healing has taken place, the blue, Milk Way, bring in the Divine Masculine, making an empowered feminine energy. There is also a Child of Gaia Flint, which helps with inner child healing, especially when combined with these two, and also the Gaia Phoenix. You can find out more about this quartet here
In this pairing, the Gaia's Blood, is a lovely, wedge-shaped piece, with the characteristic deep, blood-red colouring. The Milky Way piece has grey hues and is a tapering piece with the outer matrix covering, suggesting it could have been part of a nodule. The smoothness, colouring and banding on the widest end, almost make it look like an Agate.
Please see photos for size guidance
Combined weight 187 gms
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