S2476 Phenacite
Phenacite has one of the purest and highest vibrations available and these clear to milky pieces are small but mighty with a fantastic vibrancy. Its high vibration activates the Higher Crown and stimulates the 3rd Eye and Crown, helping us to access high energies including Ascended Masters, the Angelic realms, the Akashic records and our blueprint, bringing those energies into our Earthly consciousness,
It amplifies the energy of other crystals, heals and activates all the Chakras. Judy Hall said that -Madagascan Phenacite is inter-dimensional whereas that from Brazil often has its own ‘crystal guardian’, however I haven’t had a piece of each for comparison. These pieces are from Brazil.
Judy also said -Its energies are only available to those who have prepared themselves by shifting their personal vibration to a higher level.
Please see photos for size guidance
Weight 1.02gms
Reward points