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S2313 Arkansas Quartz

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S2313 Arkansas Quartz

This piece is a bit of a trickster or isn't bothered by titles, as it had me changing my mind several times as to whether it was an Arkansas or a Celtic Quartz, and whilst I had it down as an Arkansas, and their crystal formation was correct for that, there are many characteristics, including the weight, which look just like a Celtic Quartz. I finally came back to it being Arkansas (this was during Mercury retrograde!) as the large clear points that emerge from the solid Milky Quartz don't appear in the others. 'Trickster' energy is also often associated with Mercury, so maybe there is a correlation there with its energies. With both Clear and Milky Quartz, it is a balancer of masculine and feminine.

Judy Hall realised that it had the same properties as Green Ridge Quartz, is no longer available and described it -Arkansas Quartz It is said that the vibrations of Quartz from Arkansas are different to any other crystal throughout the world because the heart meridian of the Earth runs through the Quartz beds. Arkansas Quartz helps to anchor new energies into the Earth’s heart, which are then radiated out through the crystals. They transmit energy, create and intensify protection, as well as balance and heal the energy body and the chakras. Arkansas crystals are excellent receptors for intention and positive thoughts. In this area, huge Earth Keeper crystals deep within the Earth act as stabilizers for the planet itself. The Earth Keeper crystals can be attuned to by holding Arkansas Quartz to connect to the crystal oversoul. The crystals take several forms – golden, optically clear, ‘gunky’ iron-coated and smoky but all carry the same incredibly pure healing energy. Gridded around a house, they assist with air purity. (See colour photograph number 11.) Dark, iron-coated: This form reaches the areas that couldn’t normally be released. The dark iron entraps material not needed in the energy body. As the coating flakes away, the negativity is transmuted. Yellow-orange: Highly energizing and creative, this crystal cleanses previous relationship hooks from your sacral chakra and stimulates standing in your own power. Clear: Excellent for drawing in healing and transmutational energy, this crystal brings light into every cell of your being

Please see photos for size guidance

Weight 389gms

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