S2150 Combination Piece of Gaia's Blood and Milky Way Flints Fish?
S2150 Combination Piece of Gaia's Blood and Milky Way Flints Fish?
I had just been learning about, and working with the Magenta flame, the combination of blue and blood red, and that immediately reminded me of the Gaia's Blood and Milky Way Flints and I got more out to list, wanting to make some pairs. In going through some, it struck me how many pieces had a combination of the two within one piece, and whilst I had seen this before, it was like all they had all shown up to be listed now!
Both sides of this have a ring of the red, Gaia's Blood around the outside, and the Milky Way within that. I can also see an eye and a fish with its mouth open, ready to gobble the 'bad' energy up - there's even a sharp piece, on what I see as the mouth, sticking up, just like a tooth! So this piece could also work with sea creatures on water healing and balancing.
Please see photos for size guidance
Weight 104gms
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