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S2017 Very Special Gaia Phoenix Flint with Chalcedony

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S2017 Very Special Gaia Phoenix Flint with Chalcedony

I didn't realise how special this piece was until after I had photographed it. It was originally, (pre-fire), virtually completely, the Gaia's Blood Flint and in addition has some sparkly, drusy areas. What puzzled me, was that, to the naked eye, these appeared black, whereas the drusy is usually clear Quartz. Even with the alchemy of the fire, I couldn't think that would have turned black. Looking closely with a loupe, I realised that the sparkles came from drusy around the black areas, which themselves, showed the tell-tale bubble-effect of Chalcedony. I have found a very limited number containing lovely pale blue Chalcedony and further close-up examination of this piece revealed two lovely Chalcedony caves on one end and small areas throughout the piece, one of which, on a side, has retained some of the blue whilst on the whole, the fire has paled them into a whitish grey.

As well as the generic qualities of the Gaia Phoenix, this piece feels to me about looking more closely at our gifts, of finding our own treasure within ourselves.

Out of the ashes of the fires where Gaia Blood Flint and Milky Way Flint were found, emerged the Gaia Phoenix Flint. Heals persecution energies, old witchcraft energies of being burnt, hung or drowned and any energies associated with not being accepted for who you truly are. It helps to bring more authentic expression through clearing old energies associated with conforming, being restricted physically or mentally, and not being believed or accepted for your values and beliefs.

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Weight 100gms

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